Training the Singing Voice - online book

An exploration of the theories, methods & techniques of Voice training.

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Talent, 23
Talking songs, 157, 226, 229
Teacher, as a model, 7, 185, 188; training,
Teacher's responsibilities, 37
Teaching, corrective aspects, 06; first-law of, 112; lack of standards, 7; personalities, 93; use of songs, 54
Teaching methods, 128, 243; appraisal of, 1; defined, 27; diagnostic aims, 65; in­consistency of, 93; standardization of, .242
Technical approach, 25, 41, 46, 53, 65; de­fined, 63; breath control, 80,93; cultivat­ing range, 156; diction, 199; dynamics, 169; ear training, 184^ interpretation, 227; phonation, 114; resonance, 140,141
Technical exercises as correctives, 48, 65
Technical factors, subordination of, 223
Techniques, defined, 46, 80; remedial, 128
Teeth, 116,183, 203
Tenor, 147, 158
Tensions, diaphragmatic, 85; laryngeal* 86; bodily, 37
Terminology, vocal, 2, 13, 60, 98, 146, 151, 162, 163, i68> 215, 245
Terminologies, conflicting, 5
Terms defined, 2, 245, 250
Tessitura, 50, 65, 147, 228
Text, comes before tone, 224; defined, 224; mastery of, 224, 231, 239,240; translated, 229
Texture, 147
Theories, 'Conflicting, 1
Theory, explained by analogy, 14
Thinking music, 178, 181
Thorax, 69, 73,82
Throat, n8, 137, 138, 140, 145, 202; con­striction, 83, 90, iiS, 119, 139, 142; nat­ural relexes, 118; relaxation, 119
Thyro-arytenoid muscles, 100, 104-107,124, 1%
Tfayro-hyoid muscles, 125
Thyroid cartilage, 104, 108,124
Tidal air, 88
Timbre, 132, 141, 178, 194, 233, 236
Time, 132, 197, 204
Time-spot, defined, 209
Tonal imagery, 127, 176, 180, 188
Tonal spectrum* 132, 179, 194
Ton*, 176; and word interrelated, 195; characteristics of, 176; connections, 121; defined, 176; evenness of, 58,90, si9, 220; quality, 132, 139,141, 233, 235, 241; sub-
ordinated to text, 213; thinking, 77, 113, 121, 128
Tone color, defined, 233
Tone placement, interferences, 155
Tone production, posture, 81
Tongue, 87, 116, 133, 137, 140, 201, 20*, 203, 204, 208, 212; defined, 116; inde­pendence, 116, 203, 208; positions, 87, 116, 193, 201, 203, 208, 212, 213; related to pitch, 159
Torso, action, 81
Tosi, 58, 157, 172, 192
Trachea, 69, 98, 100, 101, 118, 123, 124,134
Tradition binds teachers, 8
Transitions, 232
Tremolo, defined, 109; faulty, 111
Trial and error experience, 1
Trill, defined, 109; use of, 242
Unusual voices, 149
Uvula, 117,137,183
Vagus nerve, 112
Variety, importance of, 233, 241
Velum, 117, 136, 137, 204 Verbal expression, 192, 213, 214 Vibrations, in head and chest, 135 Vibrations, sympathetic, 100, 108, 125, 126,
129, 133, 134, 139, 145, 152, 169 Vibrato, 126, 232; action, 101, 109, 110, 197; and tremolo, compared, 109; de­fined, 109, 132; experimental findings, _ 109 Vibrator, vocal, 100, 123 Vibratory, activity in parts of body, i»6, 135; area, 100, 101, 125; energy ex­plained, 126, 131 Violin, listening to, 185 Visualization, 57, 67, 113, 114, 176, 239;
defined, 180,220 Vocal act, constituent elements, 241 Vocal action, guide to, 182, 184; involun­tary, 33, 34 Vocal art, variables of, 217 Vocal cavities, shape of, 129, 133 Vocal cords, 98, 124; action of, 69, 100, 103, 121; defined, 98; elasticity of, xoi; en­ergy applied to, 133; false, 98; high speed photography, 105; male and female, 104, 125; nerve endings, 179; segmental vibra­tion, 104; straining of, 175; synonyms for.
Vocal, function, its complexity, 4; lesson, description of typical, 51; models, use of,